Murray County Veterinary Services

344 Duvall Rd
Chatsworth, GA 30705


 Horse Sites 

  • University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service This website has LOTS of reliable information on beef, dairy, horse, and small ruminant feeding and management.  It features back issues of the Livestock Newsletter, show results, and information on youth programs.  Many other universities' Extension Services also have websites, and can easily be found on internet searches.  They are great places for information.
  • Breeds of Livestock
    Visit the Oklahoma State University website to checkout pictures and history on breeds of cattle, horses, pigs, and more.
  • HorseQuestHorse and Foal
    Any and every question you have about horses or horse management may be found here.  This site is a collaboration of extension services from universities all over the United States, provided to answer the most frequently asked questions about horses.  TRY IT!
  • Management of Internal Parasites
    Got lots of questions about how to get rid of worms?  This link to the HorseQuest site covers both dewormers and environmental methods of reducing the worm burden your horse faces each year.
  • American Quarterhorse Association
    This links to the official AQHA website.