Murray County Veterinary Services

344 Duvall Rd
Chatsworth, GA 30705


Sample Cow-Calf Herd Health Program

The following is a sample protocol only and is not necessarily the best protocol for your farm.  Please contact us to design a schedule best suited to your needs.

All cattle coming into the herd
1) Brucellosis, TB, BVD ear notch, and Johne's testing (if history is unknown)

2) Deworm and Vaccinate for Blackleg, IBR, PI3, BVD, BRSV, Hemophilus, and Pinkeye, if deworming and vaccination status is unknown

3) Quarantine (no nose to nose contact with existing cattle) for 4 weeks

At Birth (Late Winter calving) - Rota/corona virus vaccination

Late Spring (Calves ~3 months old)
1) Vaccinate all unvaccinated cattle and calves for Blackleg (7 strain Clostridium)

2) Vaccinate unvaccinated adult cattle and calves for IBR, PI3, BVD, BRSV, Hemophilus, Pinkeye, and Leptospirosis

3) Dehorn and castrate calves (if not already done)

4) Deworm

Summer - Control flies

Early Fall (Calves ~6 months old)
1) Wean calves

2) Calfhood Vaccination of replacement heifers for Brucellosis (4-6 months of age)

     a)  Dairy: 4-6 mo old

     b)  Beef:  4-10 mo old

Booster vaccinations for Blackleg and respiratory diseases

4) Vaccinate for Leptospirosis

5) Pregnancy check cows

6) Cull the following in the cow herd:

     a) all poor producing cows

     b) all non-pregnant cows

     c) all pregnant heifers too small to calve without problems

7) Deworm

8) Brucellosis and TB test as needed, bleed for Johne's testing

Winter - Annual vaccination of cattle 4 to 6 weeks prior to calving, for best colostral immunity